Cardio Pilates with Jessica Smith

Time: 26:59
Equipment needed: Exercise mat

After a rough start to my day, this workout felt good.  It was tough.  I liked it.  Try it.  Other than that, I'm not feeling very chatty today.

Cardio Mat Fusion with Jessica Smith

Time: 32:01
Equipment needed: Exercise mat

This is one of those WOW workouts.  Amazing.  This is what I like... cardio and toning fusion workouts.  Be prepared for your butt and your abs to be burning by the time this is over.  I was sweating and hurting good with this one.  I will be feeling this tomorrow, for sure!

I did this with my shoes off but I used two mats, doubled, so I had four layers under my feet.

This workout is a part of Jessica's 20-day fall fitness challenge.

Strictly Strength Total Body Resistance Training with Jessica Smith

Time: 22:17
Equipment needed: Dumbbells

It's been some time since I've done a strictly strength workout with weights.  I tend to like my strength training fused within a cardio workout or done with a pilates-style workout.  I used my 5 lb dumbbells because I'm just getting back into a regular exercise routine.  It was a challenge but I think I probably could have used my 8 pounders to really fatigue the muscles.  I really liked this workout.  It flew by.

This workout is a part of Jessica's 20-day fall fitness challenge.

9-Minute Low Impact HIIT Cardio with Jessica Smith

Time: 9:09
Equipment needed: None

It's so nice to see someone put together a fun low-impact HIIT routine.  This one is really good.  Jessica threw some unique moves in here that really get the heart pumping without any jumping.  If I didn't already have other workouts planned for the day, I would have done this two times in a row for more of a benefit and a little more sweat.

This workout is a part of Jessica's 20-day fall fitness challenge.

Lower Abs Circuit with Jessica Smith

Time: 18:42
Equipment needed: Exercise mat

This workout is a unique way to focus on the lower abs but I found it to be a little too unique.  A lot of the movements were so awkward that it was hard to really focus on contracting my abs.  I think the proof is in the pudding, so I'll see how my abs feel in the morning, but for now I'm giving this 3-stars because my neck hurts more than my abs right now.

This workout is a part of Jessica's 20-day fall fitness challenge.  Take a look.

Ballet Body Barre Workout with Jessica Smith

Time: 28:45
Equipment needed: Bare feet. Lightweight dumbbells (3 lbs or lighter). Yoga mat or ballet slippers to protect feet (optional).

I love ballet inspired workouts and this one is so much fun.  I used a yoga mat to protect my feet (but I could have gotten out my ballet slippers, too, and they would have served the same purpose), just be sure you can slide easily if you choose to go this route.

Do not use any heavier weights than 3 lb dumbbells because of the amount of repetitions done here.  You don't have to use any weights at all and it will still be a challenge.  I used my little 1 pounders.

There is no jumping here, so it's completely low-impact.  The movements are swift enough to get a little cardio along with the toning work but the focus is toning.

Plies are killer!  <---- Don't let that stop you!  Get that butt and those thighs strong and lean!  :)

This is workout #5 in Jessica's 20-day fall fitness challenge and my 2nd workout of the day.

Yoga for Abs with Jessica Smith

Time: 27:14
Equipment needed: Yoga mat. Bare feet. Cute doggie in the room (optional).

In this workout, Jessica fuses yoga-inspired moves that concentrate on the core and ab muscles.  This workout takes a lot of balance.  It's a toughie.  I felt a lot of work not only in my core but also in my arms and shoulders because of all of the plank work and downward dog style movements.

I found at least one movement to be too fast for me, so I did it at my own pace.  Just keep in mind that the exercises won't do what they are supposed to do if you don't have control over the movements.  It's better to slow it down and do it correctly than to try and keep up with what someone else is able to do.  You'll also prevent injury this way.

This workout is #4 in Jessica's 20-day fall fitness challenge and my first workout of the day.  Now onto the next one... I'm trying to catch up, so I have to double up.

Kickboxing Cardio & Strength Circuit Workout with Jessica Smith

Time: 32:43
Equipment needed: Light set of dumbbells

This is workout #2 for me today and #3 in Jessica's 20-day fall fitness challenge.  I am a few days behind in starting the challenge and there will be upcoming days that I won't be able to workout, so I'll be doubling up a lot on the videos so that I can finish the challenge on time and be included in a chance to win the prizes.  :)

Let me just say, straight up, that I love, love, love a good kickboxing workout.  Nothing else makes me feel so good while I'm working out and when I'm finished.  That being said, although I really liked this workout it is NOT for anyone who doesn't know how to modify many of the moves.  Jessica doesn't give enough options for those of us who need to modify.

I do not do any jumping movements, whatsoever, do to my feet.  Anyone who's heavy or has knee or feet issues shouldn't be doing some of the moves in this workout.  Safety and injury prevention ALWAYS comes first.  Trust me, it's far better to keep your body in a state of wholeness and injury free than it is to damage it and deal with the consequences later.

If you know how to modify the moves, then you'll be fine with this workout.  If you don't, I suggest that you try a kickboxing workout made especially for beginners first, so that you can see how to modify and then try this one.

You'll also need a light set of dumbbells for the strength training segments of this video.  I used my little 1 pounders.  Jessica used 5 pounders.  Use what will challenge you but not put you in a state tomorrow where you're screaming in pain from the sore muscles.  If you don't own dumbbells, you can fill some water bottles up with water, rock, or sand... or don't use any weights at all.

Reminder:  YOU are in control of every workout you do.  If something doesn't feel right, don't do it.  Be in a state of progress... not perfection.

Cardio Full-body Fusion Walk with Jessica Smith

Time: 28:43
Equipment needed: None

Jessica does this workout barefoot and if you choose to do that you'll either want to be on carpet or pull out your yoga mat to protect your feet.  I did it with shoes on, because I'm cool like that.  Really, it's because of my feet issues.  ;)

This is workout number 2 in her 20 day fall fitness challenge.  As I've said before, I love fusion workouts.  Cardio by itself is fine but I prefer to have it mixed with body-toning moves so that I get more out of my workouts without having to put in more time.  Time is one of our biggest assets.  We all have the same amount of it everyday.  If we can accomplish more in less time, that leaves us more time for other things.

Along with the various walking movements, Jessica adds in ab work, leg work, arm work, and some pilates movements at the end.  It's a big whole-body fusion mashup.  Jessica always has a good music mix to go with her workouts and it's always so cute to see her dog, Peanut, show up in her videos regularly.

Cardio Ball Blast. Cardio-Ab Fusion with Jessica Smith.

Time: 30:27
Equipment needed: Lightweight ball (optional)

I absolutely loved this workout.  I was breathing hard and sweating good throughout the whole thing.  The workout focuses on lots of standing ab work alongside the cardio.  I always like to kill two birds with one stone, so I love fusion workouts.

I have my little blue Beachbody fitness ball that came with my Yoga Booty Ballet DVD set, so I used that in the workout.  You can use a small kickball, beachball, lightweight medicine ball, pillow, or nothing at all.  I needs to be small enough to put under your knee in a lunge or under your leg in a knee raise (if you go to 18:17 and 21:02 in the video, you'll see what I mean).

I fully admit that I haven't exercised much in the last two months.  I was having a hard time accepting my physical limitations because of my chronic injuries.  The pain from those injuries is quite different than the pain from sore muscles.  The chronic pain never really goes away and when it flairs up it can take weeks for it to settle down.  So, I was in quite a funk over it for awhile.

Now that I'm feeling better about the whole thing, and ready to move on even with the pain involved, I've jumped back into working out with Jessica Smith's Fall Fitness Challenge.

I have a few of Jessica's workouts already here on the blog and I've enjoyed every one of them.  So when I saw that Jessica's fall challenge had recently started I thought it was a great way to get back into the swing of things.  What better motivation than a chance to win stuff, right?  :)

If you want to join in, watch the small video just above, then head to her blog to post your goals... then jump on into the workout schedule.
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