Beach Bum Full Body Workout

Time:  54:02
Equipment needed:  Exercise mat. Dumbbells.

I really liked this workout.  Each segment can be done separately or you can put them all together, like I did, for a full-body workout.  I really like that there are 3 different workout levels shown in this segment.  This makes it great for beginners, who may not know how to modify exercises, or for people like me, who are dealing with injuries and need different options.  All of the exercises are simple to understand, there are no awkward exercises in this workout.  Most of the exercises use your own body-weight, except for the arm segment, where light dumbbells are used.  I used my 3 lb dumbbells.  Overall, this is a nice, basic, and simple full-body workout for all fitness levels.  The instructor and location is pleasant and it made the workout seem to go quicker than it actually is.
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