"Cardio-Lates" Fusion Workout with Dulcinea Hellings

Time:  45:50
Equipment needed:  Exercise mat

This was my first workout of the day.  It was a nice way to get warmed up and stretched out before doing the Janis Saffell Kickbox for Weight Loss video.  This is the second video of Dulci's that I've done but I've watched a few others and I find her down-to-earth and quite funny.  She's not perfect and I like that about her.

This video is mostly pilates moves with a little bit of cardio added in.  I modified the cardio moves so that they weren't jumpy or jarring.  Exercising with plantar fasciitis is a challenge but it is doable with modifications, good shoes, and proper inserts for extra support.

There are quite a few different style back rolls in this video so be sure you have a good mat.  I have to double up on mats to make sure I have enough squish under me.  I've bruised my back before doing back rolls, so I know what can happen if the mat isn't thick enough.

I'll be doing more of Dulci's videos very soon, so stay tuned for those reviews.  :)
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