30 Minute Booty Boot Camp: Butt and Thigh Workout

Time:  30:28
Equipment needed:  Exercise mat.  Dumbbells.

This is a great lower body workout!  I do expect my legs and butt to be sore tomorrow because this workout was tough.  The workout consists of 8 exercises of 14 repetitions each and 3 rounds through.  This is my second FitnessBlender workout I've had here on the blog and I really enjoy how they present the workouts.  There is one person explaining the exercises and another person showing you how to do them.  There is a brief segment before the beginning of each exercise that shows you proper form and how to do the exercise.  It does this before every exercise throughout the entire 3 rounds.  This not only shows you what's coming up and how to do it but it gives you a brief moment to get a sip of water, if needed, and to get into position for the next exercise.  The only time you'll need dumbbells is for the deadlifts.  I used two 5 lb dumbbells for this exercise.  You can use one heavy one, like they do, or none at all.
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